Lazy days are endangered. Already they are not as common as they should be. I get a lazy day maybe once every three or four weekends. As I have now hit 30 and the idea of children is not so much "down the road" as the "next stop", I am very aware that I only have a precious few lazy days left. These are the types of days that regenerate me for the week ahead. Today, for example, SHM was up and out early to play golf. I stretched myself out of bed around 9:35, got dressed and got the dog out for a walk.
[Sidebar: This is the same dog you see in the picture with the bib and the wine. She obviously enjoys the finer things in life and usually sleeps later than I do. But she will be the topic of her own post shortly.]
It is a beautiful day, a rare cool, non-humid morning. On my travels down the path and around the block, I see some friendly Girl's Prep neighbors sitting out on a picnic table. So I wander over to say hello and end up sitting for an hour and half, chatting, drinking coffee and eating this amazing pastry, fresh-out-of-the-oven, that seems to be mostly made of pie crust. It doesn't get much better than this! Now I am back in my apartment, sitting at my kitchen table, with Petunia on my lap, ready to get my book out and enjoy the soothing morning sounds of John Mayer... By now its 11:40 but I think I will have my morning last all day:)
Enjoy your morning all day! Those are the best!! ;-)